LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

How to Deal with Boss Mom Guilt


boss mom

There’s this feeling that overtakes most moms almost every day…mom guilt.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Creating a Family Calendar: A Boss Mom’s Secret Weapon


boss mom

In the last post, I mentioned that my husband and I have a shared family calendar we use to keep track of our family schedule.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Creating a Family Calendar: A Boss Mom’s Secret Weapon


boss mom

In the last post, I mentioned that my husband and I have a shared family calendar we use to keep track of our family schedule.

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Leadership Tip: Explore Other Avenues for Learning


tip tuesday

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve shared insights on how you can continue to learn throughout your leadership journey.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Why I Shifted Course from Corporate Mom to Boss Mom


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As a Boss Mom, I wear several hats. The most important ones are my wife and mom hat.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Why I Shifted Course from Corporate Mom to Boss Mom


boss mom

As a Boss Mom, I wear several hats. The most important ones are my wife and mom hat.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

The 3-Step BOSS Mom Method to Mastering Your Schedule


boss mom

As a Boss Mom, being extremely busy is commonplace. We’re typically juggling our kids’ active schedule, work meetings, house management, and perhaps even civic commitments.

Leadership conference

Leadership Tip: Take Time for Conferences


tip tuesday

For some reason, I’m in a space of being a life-long learner. Previously, I focused on keeping up to date on your knowledge through reading (see previous blog post). This week’s tip is another way to keep abreast with what’s going on in your field…conferences!

Leadership conference

Leadership Tip: Take Time for Conferences


tip tuesday

For some reason, I’m in a space of being a life-long learner. Previously, I focused on keeping up to date on your knowledge through reading (see previous blog post). This week’s tip is another way to keep abreast with what’s going on in your field…conferences!

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

The 8 Types of Support Staff Every BOSS Mom Needs


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In a previous post, I shared the importance of staying connected to your village to maintain your sanity and personal connection to yourself. This is such a critical step for your mental health.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach, working on laptop

It Takes a Village: 5 Easy Steps to Delegate Like a Boss Mom


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As a Boss Mom, you’re likely used to taking care of most things yourself. So, the leaver of support may not be one that you pull often.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach, working on laptop

It Takes a Village: 5 Easy Steps to Delegate Like a Boss Mom


boss mom

As a Boss Mom, you’re likely used to taking care of most things yourself. So, the leaver of support may not be one that you pull often.

woman reading

Leadership Tip: Get Back to Reading


tip tuesday

Reading books…who still does that? As a leader, you’re immediately viewed as “the answer” by those you lead. Like it or not, subject matter expertise simply goes with the territory.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

A Boss Mom’s Four Simple Steps To Daily Me Time


boss mom

With so much on your plate, alone time can be elusive for a Boss Mom. I can’t emphasize it enough: “taking time for yourself to be yourself,” is so important.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

A Boss Mom’s Four Simple Steps To Daily Me Time


boss mom

With so much on your plate, alone time can be elusive for a Boss Mom. I can’t emphasize it enough: “taking time for yourself to be yourself,” is so important.