What a cliche! What’s so great about feedback? How on earth is someone telling you what you did wrong and how you can improve a gift?
Becoming a mother can be a beautiful thing. It can be a time of joy, stress, fear, and gratitude. When you become a mother as a leader, though, it can complicate an already complex role.
Becoming a mother can be a beautiful thing. It can be a time of joy, stress, fear, and gratitude. When you become a mother as a leader, though, it can complicate an already complex role.
Being thankful should not only happen during the Thanksgiving season. Today’s tip revolves around showing appreciation throughout the year.
If you are reading this blog at the start of the new year, there’s likely one blaring message permeating throughout your organization right now…”It’s time to set goals for the year!”
If you are reading this blog at the start of the new year, there’s likely one blaring message permeating throughout your organization right now…”It’s time to set goals for the year!”
As a new leader, your mind is likely swirling. So much to do! So many questions! And more importantly, so many decisions to make.
If you’re keeping track, our last blog highlighted two important tools in any leader’s toolbox to successfully manage your busy schedule. The first was multitasking. This week’s tip will focus on the second tool, delegating.
As a leader, multitasking and delegating become essential tools in the toolkit. They are critical in keeping up with the demands of the role.
As a leader, multitasking and delegating become essential tools in the toolkit. They are critical in keeping up with the demands of the role.
When you’re in charge, there are a million things being hurled at you. Meetings, emails, projects to complete, and more meetings.
When you’re in charge, there are a million things being hurled at you. Meetings, emails, projects to complete, and more meetings.