Team huddle with hands in middle

3 Team Building Ideas to Kick Off the New Semester


Higher Ed Leadership Series

We’re kicking off a new semester, and you know what that means… the dreaded team building “ice breakers.” Jokes aside, welcoming back your team members and onboarding new hires is an important part of your role as a leader, and it sets the tone for the entire year. Especially if you are new to your […]

Leader pointing to whiteboard

A Department Chair’s Guide to Strategic Planning


Higher Ed Leadership Series

On week 1 of our higher ed leadership series, we talked about the importance of understanding your university’s high-level strategy. As a department chair or other senior leader, it is expected – expressed or implicit – that you will have a plan to move your department forward. This may seem obvious, but often leaders can […]

Leader pointing to whiteboard

A Department Chair’s Guide to Strategic Planning


Higher Ed Leadership Series

On week 1 of our higher ed leadership series, we talked about the importance of understanding your university’s high-level strategy. As a department chair or other senior leader, it is expected – expressed or implicit – that you will have a plan to move your department forward. This may seem obvious, but often leaders can […]

Diverse group of students walking on campus

Higher Ed Leaders: Preparing for the Start of the Semester


Higher Ed Leadership Series

The start of the new academic year is right around the corner. The campus is buzzing with the excitement of welcoming new students and all the traditions that are associated with it. Before you get too wrapped up in preparing for the students, ask yourself what preparations you can make to welcome your staff back to […]

Female leader posing in front of team

5 Tips to Become a Strategic University Leader


Higher Ed Leadership Series

Understanding the Business of Higher Education Strategic leaders play an essential role in advancing the goals of an organization. In the higher education setting, university leaders are at the forefront when it comes to setting the direction of the school. They are responsible for establishing goals for their department, creating a strategic plan to achieve […]

Female leader posing in front of team

5 Tips to Become a Strategic University Leader


Higher Ed Leadership Series

Understanding the Business of Higher Education Strategic leaders play an essential role in advancing the goals of an organization. In the higher education setting, university leaders are at the forefront when it comes to setting the direction of the school. They are responsible for establishing goals for their department, creating a strategic plan to achieve […]

Two women in work meeting

4 Areas to Cover at Every 1:1 Meeting with Your Direct Report


boss mom

1:1 meetings are vital to ensuring your team’s success. They allow you to gain status updates and give your team the opportunity to have direct time with you to ask questions and share their thoughts.

Woman on virtual meeting

5 Tips For Leading Virtual Meetings


boss mom

As we continue to navigate the terrain of leading a virtual community, I’ve come to the revelation that virtual meetings aren’t going away.

Woman on virtual meeting

5 Tips For Leading Virtual Meetings


boss mom

As we continue to navigate the terrain of leading a virtual community, I’ve come to the revelation that virtual meetings aren’t going away.

Day planner open to month of January

5 Keys to Managing Your Schedule with the Unexpected Disruption


boss mom

As a Boss Mom, has this ever happened to you? Your child is up sick the night before you have an intense schedule of meetings. Seeing my child sick is agonizing so of course, I decide to stay up with him to offer support and comfort

Woman reading a book and holding cup of coffee

Boss Mom Tips: 3 Ways to Reset From Stressful Moments


boss mom

I’m not going to lie. Sometimes, being a Boss Mom is HARD. Ok, MOST of the time it’s hard! You have two full-time jobs that you love and you can’t imagine either role not being a part of your life.

Woman reading a book and holding cup of coffee

Boss Mom Tips: 3 Ways to Reset From Stressful Moments


boss mom

I’m not going to lie. Sometimes, being a Boss Mom is HARD. Ok, MOST of the time it’s hard! You have two full-time jobs that you love and you can’t imagine either role not being a part of your life.

Mom holding toddler

3 Simple Ways to take a breather as a BOSS Mom


boss mom

As a boss mom, have you ever turned around and realized that you just need a MINUTE?? That was definitely a realization I had recently – perhaps amplified by all that the pandemic brought, but whew chile! I started to feel like I was on all the time and just wanted a quick breather.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Finding Space to Work Post-COVID


boss mom

One of the lessons I quickly learned in this new COVID environment is I had to create a space in my home for my business.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Finding Space to Work Post-COVID


boss mom

One of the lessons I quickly learned in this new COVID environment is I had to create a space in my home for my business.