Another semester is coming to an end, and we’ve made it through a LOT as a higher ed leaders over the past couple years. We continue to navigate unique challenges as leaders in a changing world. And it’s important that we take some time to pause, reflect, and recharge for the new year.
Here are 3 tips to help you make the most of your winter break:
1) Celebrate!
Take some time to acknowledge everything that you have accomplished this semester, and this year. Particularly as women, we often overlook our small wins. So this week, take some time to celebrate all the wins, big and small.
Heck, celebrate the failures that you learned from and the challenges you’ve pushed through. It is all helping you grow in one way or another. Whether it’s self-reflection in your journal or raising a glass with your team, make sure you celebrate 2022!
3) Set goals for 2023
Setting new goals is an important way to bring intention into the new year. Think about where you’d like to be long-term, and where you’d like to be this time next year. What would you like to accomplish in 2023 to help you get there? What goals do you want to focus on in the next semester?
The thing about goal setting is that you can do it in your own way. Whether it’s journaling, making a vision board, or writing a letter to your future self – do something to help you envision where you’d like to be at the end of 2023.
3) Take time for YOU
I can’t stress enough the importance of taking care of yourself. As leaders, we pour so much of ourselves into others. Don’t forget to pour some back into yourself.
Whether it’s a day at the spa, a quiet morning with your journal, or a night out with friends – do something that helps you relax, recharge, and feel rejuvenated as you enter the new year.
However you spend your winter break, I hope you find yourself surrounded by peace, love, gratitude, and renewed energy for the new year.
For more tips on how to make the most of this time and set yourself up for success in the new year, check out my video on Essential Year End Practices for Leaders.

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