Filling the Gaps in Employer-Provided Leadership Training


Being in a leadership role is challenging, and it’s essential to have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. While employer-provided leadership training can be beneficial, there may be gaps that need to be filled to ensure that you are fully equipped to handle the challenges of leading your team effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore some ways you can fill the gaps in your employer-provided leadership training.

1) Conduct a Self-Assessment

Firstly, conduct a self-assessment to identify areas in which you are struggling and determine the training that will help you improve. A self-assessment can be done by reflecting on your experiences as a leader, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and setting goals to improve your skills.

2) Supplement Training Programs

Your employer-provided training program may not cover everything you need to know to be an effective leader. Consider supplementing your training by seeking additional resources. You can look for online courses, books, or articles that cover specific topics related to leadership. By exploring additional resources, you can develop skills that may not have been covered in your original training program.

3) Seek Coaching and Mentorship

Coaching and mentorship are effective ways to fill gaps in your leadership training. Pairing yourself with experienced leaders who can provide guidance and support can help you develop the skills you need to be successful. Seek out formal or informal coaching and mentorship programs that connect you with leaders in your organization who are willing to offer guidance and support.

In many cases, your employer may cover the cost of working with a leadership coach. To learn more about our coaching programs and book a call with LaToya, click here.

4) Embrace Continuous Learning

Leadership is a dynamic field, and the skills required to succeed are constantly evolving. To fill gaps in your employer-provided leadership training, embrace continuous learning. You can attend conferences, seminars, and other professional development opportunities to continually learn and grow. By proactively engaging in continuous learning, you can ensure that you are equipped to handle the challenges of the modern business landscape.

Leadership is a nuanced and constantly evolving role. Therefore, your employer-provided training programs will likely be missing some key elements of being an effective leader. It is important to be proactive about your own leadership development, assessing where you need additional support and seeking out supplemental training, coaching, and continuing education.

LaToya Jordan, Leadership Coach

Ready to work with a coach who can provide a tailored approach to help you navigate your leadership journey? Click here to book a call with LaToya today!

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